Stephen Lopez is a Product Designer based in Los Angeles.

Stephen Lopez is a Product Designer based in Los Angeles

Dedicated to creating refined and skillfully executed design solutions. With a people focused approach I strive to build products with a positive and significant impact.


HIlton: Booking Experience

Dive into how our team reshaped the Hilton booking experience. From discovery to implementation, outlining the solutions that took the Honors app to the next level.

Fractal: iOS Design System

Learn more about my approach to creating a design system for iOS. Walking through step-by-step how I shaped the final system.

Explore the evolution of the Cracked brand. From an out-of-date website to a robust digital experience.

Grindr: Mask4Masc

Take a peek behind the curtain at Grindr and into the process of redesigning the Grindr logo.


More from my portfolio
