Stephen Lopez is a Product Designer based in Los Angeles.

Hilton: search & book

Booking experience

The Hilton Honors app provides access to travel planning tools before, during, and after your stay. Features include but not limited to searching, booking, modifying your stay, digital check-in, digital room key, and digital check-out.


the challenge

Fragmented & inconsistent

Since the release of Hilton Honors 3.0, the app experience had slowly become a patchwork of band-aids and MVP’s that were soon forgotten. Features competed for focus and without a clear design direction the search and book flow became fragmented and inconsistent.


Key issues

  • Important information was buried throughout the flow in dated layouts and dark designs

  • Searching for a hotel was confusing and cumbersome

  • The booking summary lacked vital information






Our discovery process helped us answer a few questions and guide the overall strategy.

Interviews Uncovered

  • What does the shopping journey look like?

  • What information is missing or confusing from finding the right hotel?

  • Do you have all the information you need to book confidently?


Top Priorities

  • A guided user flow through UX/UI enhancements

  • Mini search widget and hotel card redesign

  • A detailed booking summary




Guided User flow

UX/UI callouts

After noting pain points and opportunities the UX designer and I, established an updated user journey. Additionally, because the UI needed to inspire new confidence, I began auditing the visual design and noting areas for improvement.


Guided user flow

Guiding through UI

With a new user path created, I wanted to take the visual design a step further. Without explicitly giving users a step-by-step process, large blue buttons became visual anchors that provided guidance to the next step.


Search Easier

The mini-widget

How did we give users the ability to adjust search criteria quickly? We introduced the mini-widget concept.

What it provided

  • Users could now quickly edit search criteria from results page.

  • Modal treatment gave the impression that you never left the results page. Seemingly quicker with less taps.

  • We could eventually phase out the larger search widget, seen earlier in the flow.


search easier

Iterating cards

Re-examining the search results cards was one of the areas I knew would require the most creative exploration.

Design rationale

  • Text was moved off of images

  • Position and color made the prices scannable

  • Thicker fonts were easier to read

  • Hierarchy was established through color and size


booking summary

Book now

Our goal here was to highlight important information users needed to feel confident in their booking. Our first round of user testing informed what information they were expecting, to feel confident in their choices.

Key issues

  • Where’s my info?

  • When can I cancel?

  • What am I booking?


  • Adding more reservation detail

  • Prioritizing what’s important

  • Easily digestible buckets of information




Search & Book

Final design

Through a few key initiatives the team was able to create a modern, accessible, and seamless experience that allowed for quicker and easier bookings. Updated UI with clear call-to-actions, a content first approach, and giving users easier access to information, resulted in bookings with confidence.

During development

Throughout development I audited daily builds and held frequent Q/A sessions that addressed any design discrepancies or questions. Post launch, I continued to polish the visual design, finesse interactive details, and prepare future design variations for testing.


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Learn more about my approach to creating a design system for iOS. Walking through step-by-step how I shaped the final system.