Stephen Lopez is a Product Designer based in Los Angeles.

Fractal for ios

Design system

With design becoming prioritized and a greater focus being given to the Hilton Honors App, the mobile team began the work of translating the Hilton Enterprise Brand Guidelines into what would become Fractal for iOS. A design system built specific for mobile use, using Atomic Design methodologies.


the challenge


The team lacked a source of truth, tools to make designing quicker and easier, and design direction. This ultimately led to a disjointed app experience and left the team frustrated and confused.


Key issues

  • Lack of cohesion

  • No efficient way to build screens

  • Disorganized design team


Creating cohesion


Creating cohesion: Step 1

Design audit

By breaking out the app by section and identifying inconsistencies, I audited and began a design debt backlog that could be tackled over time or incorporated into any feature-work.


What is provides

  • Section breakout determines scope

  • Holistic view could spotlight certain areas

  • Debt backlog could be used as a checklist


Creating cohesion: Step 2

Analyze the brand

By dissecting the Enterprise Brand Guidelines, I was able to pull information about the brand that would serve as an outline for each piece of the design system.


capturing details

  • Design language

  • Typography

  • Color


Creating cohesion: Step 3

Typography & color

Keeping scalability and development top of mind, I began building the typographic scale and integrating accent colors using the iOS native system.


standard patterns

  • Frees up development time

  • Allows for Accessibility features up-front

  • Creates a baseline for a cohesive system


Creating cohesion: Step 4

Aligning icons

Icons were carefully aligned to both iOS standards while still adhering to the brand design language.


Create guides

  • Keylines aid in icon production

  • Establish a universal line-thickness

  • Outline rules for shapes and curves


Creating cohesion: final step

Create components

Typography, color, and icons, became the building blocks I used to begin the component library.


atomic design

  • Atoms: input fields, labels, buttons

  • Molecules: cards, forms, table views

  • Organisms: navigation, hotel details, grouped lists


Building efficiency

sticker sheets & Templates

Building quality, quickly

Sticker sheets and templates helped the team drive quality products. By using a plug-and-play approach for frequently used UI patterns, it created a better workflow and allowed more time to ideate.



  • Comprehensive resource for UI elements

  • Guidance on usage and patterns

  • Build & prototype quickly


Uniting the team

Go team!

My ultimate goals were to drive quality features and foster a collaborative design culture. Below are a few ways I approached these goals and helped unite the design team around our new system.

Speak the same language

The design system became the catalyst that bridged the gap between designers, developers, and stakeholders. By using semantic naming conventions and developer terminology it helped increase our credibility, save time, and eliminate confusion.


I began hosting a weekly design sync where I announced any changes, updates, or additions to the design system.

Critique & collaborate

Weekly peer reviews were an opportunity to share recent work, discuss new or emerging mobile patterns, and align our designs as a team.


The launch

Refining as I built out the component library, I began releasing the system in a phased approach. With integration, we instantly began to see a cohesive brand and app experience. The team is able to build quality features, quicker and we’re now aligned with design goals and patterns.

ongoing work

Regular team sync

Add and update components

Optimize for flexibility


Learn more about…



Dive into how our team reshaped the Hilton booking experience. From discovery to implementation, outlining the solutions that took the Honors app to the next level.